Seminar Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer: Big Data untuk Pertanian Modern

Seminar Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer (Semilkom) adalah seminar nasional yang dilaksanakan oleh Departemen Ilmu Komputer, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB). Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada hari Sabtu, 27 April 2019 di Auditorium FMIPA Kampus IPB Dramaga. Tema yang diusung dalam Semilkom ini adalah “Big Data in Modern Agriculture from The Perspective of IoT, Security, and High Performance of Computing”. Tema tersebut dipilih sebagai wujud partisipasi Departemen Ilmu Komputer dalam menerapkan ilmu dan teknologi ilmu komputer pada bidang pertanian.

Dalam sambutannya, Dr Arif Satria, SP MSi selaku Rektor IPB, menekankan bahwa mempersiapkan teknologi yang mumpuni merupakan langkah yang tepat dalam menjawab tantangan disrupsi, terutama dalam mewujudkan teknologi pertanian modern. Beliau juga menyebutkan bahwa edukasi terkait perwujudan pertanian modern perlu dilakukan untuk mengubah paradigma masyarakat terkait pertanian itu sendiri. Adanya peran teknologi dalam sektor pertanian akan mampu mengubah paradigma masyarakat terhadap sektor ini menjadi lebih baik.                                                             

Menurut Dr Hendra Rahmawan, ST MT selaku ketua pelaksana, Semilkom terdiri atas presentasi dari pembicara yang mewakili elemen pemerintah, perguruan tinggi, dan industri serta pemaparan hasil penelitian yang dituliskan dalam 84 makalah dan disampaikan secara lisan dalam bentuk poster yang berasal dari tujuh perguruan tinggi. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan keilmuan para pesertanya, sekaligus meningkatkan jejaring ilmiah ke skala yang lebih luas. Semilkom 2019 menghadirkan empat pembicara utama, yaitu Prof Dr Heru Susanto, SKom MSc dari Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), Dr Ir Sri Wahjuni, ST MT dari Departemen Ilmu Komputer IPB, Achmad Imam Kistijantoro, ST MSc PhD dari STEI ITB, serta Ir Satriyo Dharmanto, MSi dari Multikom Global Mediatama.

Prof Heru Susanto menyampaikan topik “Sustainability: How Modern Agriculture Should Adopt Cyber Security as Business Competitiveness”. Menurut beliau, Indonesia masih membutuhkan banyak ahli di bidang keamanan informasi. Beliau memaparkan para peneliti tengah mewujudkan penggunaan artificial intelligence dan big data untuk sektor pertanian di negara berkembang demi meningkatkan produktivitas dari lahan pertanian yang ada. Beliau menambahkan bahwa di antara jaringan dan konektivitas yang luas tersebut, keamanan informasi adalah hal yang mutlak untuk untuk diperhatikan.

Dr Sri Wahjuni menyampaikan topik “Shifting the Intelligence to the Edge: an IoT Architecture for Smart Agriculture”. Pada sesi ini, beliau menyebutkan bahwa salah satu masalah yang seringkali dilupakan dalam perwujudan teknologi pertanian modern adalah terlewatkannya aspek pemberdayaan manusia (smart people).Selain itu, beliau memaparkan hasil-hasil penelitian di Departemen Ilmu Komputer IPB yang terkait dengan pertanian modern.

Pada sesi ketiga, topik “High Performance Computing in Modern Agriculture” disampaikan oleh Achmad Imam Kistijantoro, PhD. Beliau memaparkan bahwa komputasi berkinerja tinggi sangat diperlukan untuk komputasi intensif pada pertanian. Implementasi teknologi tersebut dalam sektor pertanian dapat dilihat dalam proses pengendalian hama penyakit, perancangan dan pengembangan pestisida, pengolahan data cuaca untuk pengaturan panen dan siklus pertanian, pemodelan cuaca, pengelolaan sumber daya air, pengembangan bibit tanaman, serta pengenalan pola dan gambar.

Sesi pemaparan materi terakhir disampaikan oleh Satriyo Dharmanto, MSi dengan topik “IoT in Modern Agriculture”. Pada sesi ini, beliau menekankan bahwa apa yang kita hadapi sekarang ini, sebenarnya adalah peluang. Yang amat dibutuhkan untuk menjawab peluang adalah keberanian menghadapi risiko dalam fase pembelajaran dan strategi dalam memanfaatkan peluang tersebut. (Wanda)

Scientific Seminar on Computer Science: Big Data for Modern Agriculture

Scientific Seminar on Computer Science (Semilkom) is a national seminar conducted by the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University. Semilkom was held on Saturday, April 27th 2019, at the Auditorium of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB Dramaga Campus. The theme that was carried out in Semilkom was “Big Data in Modern Agriculture from The Perspective of IoT, Security, and High Performance of Computing.” The theme was chosen as a manifestation of the participation of the Department of Computer Science in applying computer science and technology in agriculture.

In his remarks, Dr Arif Satria as the Rector of IPB, emphasized that preparing technology that is still available is the right step in responding to the challenges of disruption, especially in realizing modern agricultural technology. He also mentioned that education related to the realization of contemporary agriculture needs to be done to change the paradigm of society about agriculture itself. The role of technology in the agricultural sector will be able to improve the community paradigm towards this sector for the better.

According to Dr Hendra Rahmawan as the chair of the conference, Semilkom consists of presentations from speakers representing elements of government, universities, and industry as well as the presentation of research results written in 85 papers and delivered orally in the form of posters from seven universities. This activity is expected to improve the knowledge of the participants while increasing scientific networks to a broader scale. Semilkom 2019 presents four keynote speakers, namely Prof Heru Susanto from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Dr Sri Wahjuni from the Department of Computer Science IPB, Achmad Imam Kistijantoro, PhD from the STEI ITB, and Satriyo Dharmanto, MSc from Mediatama Global Multicom.

In his talks, Prof Heru Susanto delivered “Sustainability: How Modern Agriculture Should Adopt Cyber ​​Security as Business Competitiveness.” According to him, Indonesia still needs many experts and workers in information security. He explained that the researchers around the world realized the use of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for the agricultural sector in developing countries to increase the productivity of existing agricultural land. He added that among these extensive networks and connectivity, information security is an absolute thing to pay attention to.

Dr Sri Wahjuni delivered her talks titled “Shifting the Intelligence to the Edge: an IoT Architecture for Smart Agriculture.” In this session, she mentioned that one of the problems that are often overlooked in the realization of modern agricultural technology is the missed aspect of human empowerment (smart people). Besides, she explained the results of research in the Department of Computer Science of IPB related to modern agriculture.

In the third session, the topic “High-Performance Computing in Modern Agriculture” was delivered by Achmad Imam Kistijantoro, PhD. He explained that high-performance computing is essential for intensive computing on agriculture. The implementation of these technologies in the agricultural sector can be seen in the process of controlling pests and diseases, designing and developing pesticides, processing weather data for harvesting arrangements and agricultural cycles, weather modeling, management of water resources, development of plant seeds, and pattern and image recognition.

The last presentation session was delivered by Mr Satriyo Dharmanto with the topic “IoT in Modern Agriculture.” In this session, he emphasized that what we are facing now is an opportunity. What is needed to answer opportunities is the courage to face risks in the learning phase and strategy in taking advantage of these opportunities. (Wanda)