*BSC Connected*
_Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh_
Hi inspiring people, do you have a dream to study in Europe?
We would like to invite you to our event: *BSC Connected: Erasmus Plus Scholarship and Students Exchange Info* ? *Sunday, 13th May 2018*
? *08.00 am – 11.00 am*
? *Ruang Danau 2*
We will support you to achieve information about Erasmus Plus Scholarship and Experience about Study in Europe, because we also invited:
1. Erik Mulyana as City Representative of Erasmus Plus Scholarship (Uni Europe) for Bogor.
2. Klaudia Kopczyńka (Graduate student from Poland)
It’s *FREE* for all graduate student ?
Please confirm your attendance to
Rizky : 081703404510
Save the date and be there guys!
Dziękuję bardzo
(Thank you very much, in Polish