Mengembangkan, mengimplementasikan, dan menganalisis seluruh aspek teori dan praktis terkait dengan teknologi pada sistem komputer dan jaringan serta layanannya sehingga dapat mendukung kemajuan industri di bidang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK).
Anggota Divisi
Dr.Eng. Heru Sukoco, S.Si MT
Future internet, network virtualization and migration, high-performance architecture and infrastructure.
Dr. Ir. Sri Wahjuni, MT
Heterogeneous networks, architecture on a large scale distributed networks, wireless sensor and embedded system, Internet of things (IoT).
Dr. Karlisa Priandana, S.Si MT
Intelligent Control, Embedded Systems, Robotics, IoT, Wireless and Mobile Communications.
Dr. Shelvie N Neyman, S.Kom M.Si
Information hiding engineering, steganography, watermarking, cryptography, secure communication engineering.
Vektor Dewanto, ST M.Eng
Robotics, control, reinforcement learning, numerical optimization.
Dr. Hendra Rahmawan, S.Kom MT
High-performance grid computing, control system.
Ahmad Ridha, S.Kom MS
Text retrieval, peer-to-peer networks, recommendation system.
Wulandari, SKomp MAgrSc
Text retrieval, peer-to-peer networks, recommendation system.
Endang Purnama Giri, S.Kom M.Kom
High-performance grid computing, retrieval system, kriptografi, keamanan data dan informasi.
Auriza R Akbar, S.Komp M.Kom
Parallel processing. Computer system, network, and security.