Dexa Award Science Scholarship
Menginformasikan pada Bapak/Ibu kolega bahwa Dexa Medica mengadakan program beasiswa untuk lulusan/mahasiswa S1 yg ingin melanjutkan S2. Rumpun ilmu terbuka untuk semua jurusan/program studi (life science, natural sciences, engineering, bahkan social sciences), syaratnya adalah terkait dengan bidang kesehatan. beasiswanya cukup besar untuk tuition fee dan membantu aktivitas riset saat S2 nya nanti. Sumber:
The “Shark Tank of Wellness” competition is open for application! – International Collaboration Office IPB
The “Shark Tank of Wellness” competition is a unique global challenge in which three university students are rewarded for their most innovative, impactful ideas for the wellness industry. The top three finalists will be flown, along with their professors, to the annual Global Wellness Summit (GWS) held October 6-8, 2018 at the Technogym Village in […]