Aplikasi Anti Porno Siap Maju ke PIMNAS XXIX di IPB
Ilham Satyabudi, Yuandri Trisaputra, dan Gusti Bimo Marwalanto mengembangkan aplikasi antipornografi. Berawal dari mata kuliah Pengantar Pengolahan Citra Digital dan Temu Kembali Informasi, serta keprihatinan mereka terhadap banyaknya kasus pelecehan seksual di Indonesia, akhirnya tim PKM Ilkom IPB berhasil membuat aplikasi penyensoran citra dan teks Porno. Integrated Porn Autosensor (IPB), nama aplikasi tersebut, dapat dipasang […]
Students take crash course in Japanese sword fighting
The upcoming budget for the Chicago Public Schools will rely on $500 million in yet-to-be-enacted pension savings
Smart launches new Architecture and Design BSc Honours
The upcoming budget for the Chicago Public Schools will rely on $500 million in yet-to-be-enacted pension savings
Actor Jeff Soberg will be Smart’s 2016 speaker
The upcoming budget for the Chicago Public Schools will rely on $500 million in yet-to-be-enacted pension savings
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Thousands of teenagers across the US will have school lessons in mindfulness in an experiment designed to see
Faculty of Humanities celebrates students
The upcoming budget for the Chicago Public Schools will rely on $500 million in yet-to-be-enacted pension savings
Students take crash course in Japanese sword fighting
The upcoming budget for the Chicago Public Schools will rely on $500 million in yet-to-be-enacted pension savings
Smart launches new Architecture and Design BSc Honours
The upcoming budget for the Chicago Public Schools will rely on $500 million in yet-to-be-enacted pension savings
Faculty of Humanities celebrates students
The upcoming budget for the Chicago Public Schools will rely on $500 million in yet-to-be-enacted pension savings
Students take crash course in Japanese sword fighting
The upcoming budget for the Chicago Public Schools will rely on $500 million in yet-to-be-enacted pension savings